Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Emma and Zoey-the schanauzers visit bake shop

the 2 very friendly dogs named Zoey and Emma the Schnauzers, just pulled their very porsche sports cars, who's beat seat is full of dog treats and doggie toys and lots of empty water bottles.
The dogs named Zoey and Emma the schnauzers just parked their car in this very busy parking lot.
these 2 very loud and barking dogs walked inside lovy's and chula's bake, trying to the very best table to sit at.
these 2 very loud and cranky dogs, sat at a table, which still lots of dishes and water bowels, which were not there's, emma the dog, pushed all the dishes off the table, so herself and zoey the dog, could have enough room,. to put their water bowels and room for their food to be put on.
hank, the very big and very loud dog, took emma and zoey's lunch order, hank told molly the head baker, that he got a order for her to make and bake 60 jelly dounts and a ex-large pot of coffee, they both wanted made, to pour in their doggie coffee cups, molly told hank, the dog, those 2 dogs must be crazy, but i will bake and make that many jelly dounuts for those 2 dogs.
chula,the dog, told terri who works as waitress ,there to bring a giant bucket of doggie water, so they both can pour it in their very large doggie water bowels.

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