Saturday, March 27, 2010

friendly gangster named Tony Montana visits

a very armed, but very friendly gangster named Tony Montana ,just pulled his bmw into the parking lot of this very friendly and kind and well run doggie owned bake shop, Gangster Tony Montana found a parking space his car, he left a $600 dollar tip for these very polite and friendly dog parking attendents named benji, chibi and shiolh, who started working her today.
Tony Montana walked into this bake shop, and sat at the counter, started looking at the menu, a human watriess named dottie, left a pot of coffee, and a coffee cup to drink in, while he figures out what he wants to eat, while he is here, but bring with himself, into this bake shop, a m-16 assault rifle, to help protect himself and everyone in this bake shop, just anymore very violent rap music singers like akon, try stop by here and casuse trouble.

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