Monday, September 6, 2010

A Strange CLOUD appeared over scooter airport.

A Very strange cloud appeared over the airspace ,near scooter airport, A b-25 Mitchell bomber flew out of the cloud, the air traffic controllers at the airport, called the u.s miltary ,to send a group of French and South Korean fighter bombers were sent the area, becasuse the u.s and bristsh fighter bombers were very busy flying over downtown,Los ANGELESS,CAILF, BECASUSE Hamas and tailban insurgents were driving around the city streets, in stolen hummers fighting their heavy machine guns at nearby shopping malls, people who were shopping hid behind store counters, firing the hand guns at ivading mexican drug cartel gumen who were carring 9mm glock hand guns.
3 VERY violent rap music gangsters named the Game,Nelly and Tank were holding and firing rocket propelled grenade Launchers at the partoling britsh tanks,along with 7000 m-1 abrams tanks, that were firing at the hamas and tailban insurgents and mexican drug gunmen.
but back the strange cloud, that b-25 mitchell bomber landed at scotter airport, the pilot got out the plane,he was greeted By human and doggie F.B.I Agents, he said he was from 1942.

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