Friday, April 23, 2010

Central American Leader visits doggie bake shop.

the president Bolivia named Evo Morales, 's presdential plane flew over jeepers city island and united states airspace, without permission from the u.s government, The united states miltary air denfense command alerted doggie u.s president Lizzy, the dog, and her very loud doggie vice president peanut, who her mommy know named cherry harrison, who is personal white house aid about it.
Doggie U.S Air Force Chief of state jet,the dog, order told the u.s miltary ,to make sure Evo Morales does not take off from scooter internainal airport, near Los Angeless,Cailforina, a good 100 miles, away from the very violent war and firefight going in San Diegio,califorina, with the u.s miltary,bristish and French miltary forces fighting Iranian ,hamas, Hezbollth, Taliban,AL QAada milttary and insurgents forces on the streets of san diegio , and in the air.

Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, who needs a new style of clothes to wear and english lessons, he had his personal boyguards and aids rent a porche sports from niles used car lot, to drive to san diegio,cal, to help the Iranian miltary forces in sa diego, cailforina.
Evo Morales had the person who was driving her porsche ,to pull in to the parking lot of Lovy and Chula's doggie bake shop, to sit down and eat some jelly donuts.
After, Evo Morales, rented porche sports was parked in a parking space, at this doggie owned and runed bake shop, as soon, as himself and his personal aids and mitarty bodyguards walked inside, 600, U.S Army delta force and army rangers under the command of U.S doggie army col.
Leo, the dog,Doggie Major moo ordered the delta force and U.S Army commandos to pull out their heavy weapons and arrest Evo Morales and his body guards and personal aids.
Evo Morales was turned over to F.B.I Agents, BOUNTY Hunter Nick Randell was there, to help put the hand cuffs on Evo Morales, who will be transferd to the u.s naval prison in cuba, intill further notice.

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