Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dawson,Joey, Pacy and Jen and jack visit here.

Dawson,Joey,Pacey,Jen and Jack 's airliner just landed at scooter's internaional airport, from a contected flight from Boston's mass, Logan Airport.
Dawson,Joey, Pacey,Jen, and Jack, just rented a ford mustang from niles's the dog's rental and used car lot, to drive to visit their new doggie friends named Lovy and Chula, Dawson will drive their rent a car on the back roads to get to and visit a really wonder full doggie owned and run bake shop, there is more traffic on the theo expressway, traffic has stopped becasuse of a u.s miltarty Long range intercontael missile flying over the area on its to way to destroy and take a north korean missile base in North Korea.
600,000 doggie and human u.s army national guards units, along 6000 m1-abrams tanks are heading this way, just in the war between u.s miltary and nato forces fighting with in san diegio,califorina, spreads all the way,with the invading Iranian army troops and 6000 helzebollth and hamas ,Taliban, and AL qadia insurgents.

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