Monday, April 5, 2010

A Romulan space ship in earth orbit.

A Romulan space ship, just made it into the planet earth's orbit, the commander of that romulan space ship beamed down a small landing party of 6 romulan crew members from their space ship, the landing party of romulans beamed down in the parking lot of this doggie run and owned baked shop, they all walked inside of this doggie run bake shop to order to gun, 600,000 jelly dounts and cupcakes, all those romulan crew members sat down at the counters on the many ex-stools, Chula and Lovly the dogs walked over to the romulan crew members and had new doggie bakers addie and molly,the dogs ,who also make great coffee,. here, chula, the dog asked them both to make new freshly made brand new romulan coffee.
After, a few minutes, the romulans got their large order of jelly dounuts and cupcakes, and pots of romulan coffee, to bring back with them, to their spaceship, chula ,the dog and everyone here at this doggie bake shop, waved goodbye to that very friendly group of romulans ,who were all beamed back aboard their spaceship, to get their space ship ready to leave the planet's earth's orbit and sent course, for the federation spacestaion deep space nine, to have a importmant meeting With starfleet captain sisko.

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